I Love Ailish

What started as a joke sitting at the kitchen table in 30 The Pastures, Love Lane, drinking gin tins and super bock has now become a website. I’ll write one thing I love about you every week, until I kick the bucket, fall off the perch, or get Alzheimer’s.

October 2022

I’m off the Gram

Not because I want to, but it’s what you deserve. That sounds like a very unhealthy sentence, but let me expand. Every minute I spend on the Gram I feel is a waste. Instead of working on something useful, developing myself or thinking about the future I want, I scroll mindlessly. I dislike that. I want to build something great for the future for us both to have, but for me to be able to give you. You deserve the greatness and I want that for you.

Oct 17th - 23rd

I don’t like fake tan, except…

I don’t like fake tan, except…I don’t want to live my life without you. (Insert Westlife chorus here)

Oct 24th - 30th

November 2022

We made a bed

You hold me to a standard. You hold me to your standard. You hold me to my standard. You hold me to our standard. Thinking about that idea, the idea of standards, fills me with confidence. You know what good looks like, you know when I don’t hit it. I’ve always been aware of “living up to a standard”. And I think you’re the same. It doesn’t feel like I’m on my own with it anymore.
I’ve always said the feeling I have around you is one of calm, and I don’t know why! But I think that’s one of the things I’m most excited about when I think about us. That I’ll uncover unobservable, unspoken, unmeasurable insights about you that when taken altogether will contribute to my feeling of calm. And this feels like one. You’re like me, you hold yourself and by extension me to a standard. That’s calming. I love you.

Oct 31st - Nov 6th

Our Traditions

Your birthday is an important day to me. It’s the day I’ll always celebrate as it’s the day my soul mate came to the world. That annual celebration is something I love. The idea of establishing traditions with you, and imaging what these traditions will be like in 10, 20, 60 years. We’re building these traditions, these stories. And when I think about the uniqueness of us, I know these traditions are built on the most important thing in life— love. I love you.

Nov 7th - 13th

You are constant

I feel so lucky to have someone like you in my life. I simply couldn’t have designed you! When I asked for your help over the last few days and weeks, you do it… effortlessly. The peaks and troughs of life makes it easy to forget about the hard times. But you keep them in your mind and act accordingly. When things are bad, I ask for your help. When things are great, I think I don’t need the help. But if you didn’t help constantly, then life would be an awful lot worse. I can’t get over how you act, at all times, in all moments, with so much care and love. You are constant. I love you.

Nov 14th - 20th

We bought a bed

We’re getting ready for a move. For me to become a Cork resident. And the first thing to do. We bought a bed. The clarity and confidence you have and give me, makes moving in easy. Our bed is the place we’ll spend 30% of our time together. It’s an important thing. And it’s important to get a good one. A strong, stable, dependable bed.

Nov 21st - 27th

December 2022

Our Christmas Breakfast

I think we found a new tradition. Breakfast together. Just you and me. In the Townhouse Doneraile. I know i probably talk about the future too much. I think I’m just excited about it, and the thoughts of what we’ll do together. I’ve always said that I’m gona live a great life. And since I met you, I want you to be with me every step of the way. I want us to live a great life! Of course with all this living and life will (with the help of god) bring other little people into our life. That’s why I love thinking about the little things we’re doing now, that’ll be just ours in the future. And our Christmas breakfast at the start of December in the Townhouse in Doneraile is going to be one.

Week 1

The wrong thing

I know you, and I know I got you the wrong thing. I was standing in the shop, knowing you don’t buy yourself nice things. And I want to buy you nice things. I mulled over it, went and got a coffee and I thought about it more. Let me explain what I was thinking.I bought you a jewellery box for your birthday. And i promised to fill it. So when I was standing in the shop, pouring myself and my thoughts into this decision, I knew that I’d have another opportunity to buy you another thing soon. These are just things, that are bought with care and thoughts and hopes.Know that I’ll always have care and thoughts and hopes in my head when I think about you. These things I buy don’t matter, it’s the care and thoughts and hopes i hold when I buy them is what matters.I love ya. x

Week 2

Christmas in Cork

One of my favourite things is setting up our traditions, and one that we’re establishing is a trip to a city, to a good hotel, for nice food and nice drinks, and a gig, before Christmas.Christmas in Cork this year, Christmas in Dublin last year. Where to next year baby? x

Week 3

Your little black dress

I was jealous. Ok? Ya. I was jealous. I wasn’t around Stephen’s night and you wore the little black dress. 😩When I picked it, and you bought it, it was easily the one piece of clothing I was most excited to see you wear— I couldn’t wait for it! And then when you wore it out for the first time, and I wasn’t there, I was jealous.I keep telling you you’re the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. It’s so true! And I can only imagine what I’d think if I actually saw you in that dress.Helpfully one day.. 😥

Week 4

January 2023

I moved out of Limerick

I didn’t know you when I first moved to Limerick. I moved there to chase my dreams, becoming an architect. 14 years later I didn’t become an architect, but I’m living my dream. To living more dreams. x

Week 1


Your encouragement. Your belief. Your confidence. Without you I’d never have thought about it, been motivated for it and believed I could have achieved it. It’s all for you, and for us in the future. I love you so so much.

Week 2

In my pocket

My first week in Dublin, I had you with me. Something very personal, very white, and very smelled of you. You were with me everyday on my first week in Dublin. 😏

Week 3

When you talk

When we talk I fall even deeper in love with you. How compelling you are when you speak, how competently you engage with people, how coherently you describe things. I’m just blown away by you, and that I somehow managed to make you my girlfriend.

Week 4

February 2023

Nobody anywhere

Working in a new place of course is going to through up new feelings between us. It’s normal and bound to happen. Me talking about new people might make you feel this way or that, but I have to be honest! That’s something you’ll always get from me— honesty! And the most honest think I can say, have said and will remain saying is. YOU DONT GET IT. I’ve been searching for you for 31 years. You are my person. You are my soul mate. You are my future. Nobody, anywhere will change that. I love you x

Week 1

My Valentine

When I think about February 14th, I get a little pang of nervousness. I need to buy something, I need to book something, I need to write something, I need to say something. But you changed all that. I love buying you something, spending time with you and telling you how I feel about you. Just like, quite literally everything else, you’ve changed February 14th for me.

Week 2

Your music

You’re music is just so authentic. You know what you like, you like what you know, and what that is is class. I wish I had your taste in music. As in I like every song you’ve ever played for me. There’s a realness to it, either in how the music came to be, what the music sounds like or how it makes you feel. I feel closer to life when you play me your music.

Week 3

Our daughter

I know it’s you. You’re the one for me. And when I know that, like really really know that, it allows a certain amount of comfort in my head.I allow myself imagine what Saturday morning might look like when we have a little daughter. She’d come to our bedroom door looking for mama and daddy. She’d have a soother and maybe a little blanket. She’d probably have lightly curly blondy hair. She’d have you’re striking beauty and care, and hopefully just a small bit of my fire (that will keeps boys away til she’s ready!)That’s what I think about sometimes when I think about us.

Week 4

April 2023

Matching Runners

We bought matching Hoka runners. Thinking of how we'll be using them on all on our walks and maybe even get you to start running. That's an exciting future for me. I love that we both like exercise and movement. I love that it's something we share.

Week 1

Day trip to Cork

I love how the three of us can just jump on the train, or the car, and head off for a day trip. The ease and craic the three of us have. It's just so so good. This particular trip we went to Cork, had lunch in Amicus and pottered around the shops. Living in the moment was something I struggled with, but for some reason around you I find it so so easy. x

Week 2

Teen's Party

How you and your fam have welcomed me in, Ailish, it's probably one of the most important aspects to me feeling comfortable in Charleville. Yeah the big parties like this one for Martina's sixtieth are great, but the real important aspects are the fact I can pull up a chair at the kitchen table and chat to your mam, or go to the front room and watch a game with your dad. The day-to-day is the important stuff, and I feel it.

Week 3

Aaron in Athlone

You don't understand how long I've waited to have Aaron stay up in Athlone. To have all my favourite people in one place together for the night, in my home house. It was so special.

Week 4

May 2023

Feb 1


Week 1

Jan 2


Week 2

Jan 3


Week 3

Jan 4


Week 4

February 2023

Feb 1


Week 1

Jan 2


Week 2

Jan 3


Week 3

Jan 4


Week 4

Varius morbi

Orci sagittis

Luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus. Morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod.

Laura Nadia

Augue interdum

Lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac ut consequat. Etiam dignissim diam quis enim. Quis auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit. In egestas erat.

  • In nisl nisi scelerisque

  • Justo laoreet sit

  • Porta lorem mollis aliquam

I Love Ailish


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